A Journey to your mental, emotional and spiritual awakening

Yoga Poses

Hello, beautiful souls!
Today I want to take you along on a journey—one that has bent me, stretched me, and, above all, grounded me. I’m talking about my relationship with the primary yoga poses. These poses, or asanas, are the foundation of most yoga practices, and getting to know them has been transformative for me.
Let’s dive in!

yoga poses

The Child’s Pose (Balasana) – A Humbling Start

I kicked off my yoga journey with what seemed like the simplest of poses—the Child’s Pose. Knees on the mat, hips sinking back towards my heels, and my arms stretched out in front of me. I can’t even describe the serenity that washed over me. It was like giving myself permission to rest and just be. Now, I often return to this pose as a gentle reminder to pause and breathe during my daily routines.

warior yoga pose

Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I) – Finding My Strength

The name says it all. Standing in Warrior I, I felt invincible. The power surging through my legs and the stretching in my hips gave me a feeling of rooted strength. As I lifted my arms overhead and directed my gaze forward, a newfound sense of confidence enveloped me. Warrior I taught me to stand my ground—both literally and metaphorically.

Yoga Poses

Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) – Unleashing Energy

Oh, the Downward Dog! It’s like a full-body stretch masquerading as a yoga pose. Heels pressing towards the mat and palms pushing against the ground made me aware of muscles I didn’t even know existed. The first few times were, I admit, a bit strenuous. But with time, I’ve come to appreciate this pose as a vital part of my practice for both focus and flexibility.

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Triangle Pose (Trikonasana) – A Matter of Perspective

The Triangle Pose was an exercise in balance and concentration for me. It was hard initially to keep my arms parallel while leaning to one side, but once I got it, I found a deep stretch along my side body that was incredibly rejuvenating. It’s a pose that encourages me to look at things from a different perspective—sometimes all it takes is a little tilt!

yoga poses

Tree Pose (Vrksasana) – Growing My Roots

Balance, oh sweet balance. The Tree Pose was my introduction to the delicate art of finding equilibrium. Foot pressed against my inner thigh, arms reaching towards the sky—I felt like a tree extending its branches while deeply rooted in the earth. This pose has been a metaphorical teacher, reminding me to stay grounded but to continue reaching for my aspirations.


Savasana – The Final Rest

For me, every yoga practice concludes with Savasana, also known as the Corpse Pose. It’s a time for rest and reflection. Lying flat on my back, arms and legs gently splayed, I found that stillness within, letting go of tension and stress. It’s like hitting the reset button on my body and mind.

My Ongoing Journey

I’m still a student in the grand universe of yoga, but these primary poses have been my steadfast companions. They offer more than just physical benefits; they’re an integral part of my emotional and mental well-being. So if you’ve been contemplating starting your yoga journey, I highly recommend familiarizing yourself with these poses. They’re not just postures; they’re philosophies that teach you to live a balanced, grounded life.